
Final Report

The Final Report of the three-year Harbingers project is now available.

STM Frankfurt

STM 50th Anniversary Frankfurt Conference, 9th October 2018 14:00

Are early career researchers going to be the harbingers of change?

Three years ago, the Publishing Research Consortium commissioned "Harbingers": 120 early career researchers from seven countries were in-depth interviewed annually for three-years, to establish whether their scholarly behaviours and attitudes were changing. The study completes in October 2018 and this paper will provide the first release of its main findings.


Early-career researchers herald change

Nature Index notes the lastest from our Harbingers study:

ECRs are very sympathetic to the open science agenda, convinced of the benefits of collaboration and sharing, and use social media and online communities widely in their scholarly activities.

More specifically, they are attracted to emerging platforms, including controversial disruptors, particularly Sci-Hub, which is used by 25% of ECRs (up from 5% at the beginning of the study) and nearly all of the French ECRs. ResearchGate, once a pariah, is now a mainstay platform for many ECRs.

Tensions de l’Openness

Lyon, June 8th Transition vers l'Open Science, tensions de l’Openness Journée Scientifique ELICO, organisée avec le soutien de la Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques.

L’Open Science est devenue le maître mot pour véhiculer les modalités ouvertes et collaboratives de la science, tant dans son élaboration, diffusion ou évaluation. Prolongement du déploiement à grande échelle du Libre Accès à l’information scientifique et incarnation des enjeux de l’innovation au profit de l’économie et de la société, l’Open Science implique un nouveau rapport au savoir et à la culture scientifique.

Blanca Rodriguez-Bravo (Université de Lèon, Ciber) : Spanish Early Career Researchers: views and implication in Openess


The CIBER team met the Dean and representatives of the School of Information Management Wuhan University at the Reform Club (London) to discuss research collaboration. During the meeting a contract was signed by Professor Nicholas and Dean Fang which saw Professor Nicholas becoming a guest professor at Wuhan. Future areas of co-operation were agreed, with open science being seen as a major priority. A joint publication programme was also discussed.


Jóvenes investigadores: ¿precursores del cambio?

Las opiniones y actitudes hacia las bibliotecas no pueden ser una sorpresa. Este y otros informes nos dicen que su papel se desdibuja… su uso físico disminuye y las herramientas que se ofrecen (catálogos y herramientas de descubrimiento) van en segundo lugar después de herramientas como Google. El uso de la colección digital es alto y creciente pero muchas veces no se identifica con la biblioteca.

Para cambiar esta tendencia, las bibliotecas ya están desarrollando nuevos servicios tanto de apoyo a la investigación como de la docencia pero también es importante el marketing, «vender» nuestros servicios a los usuarios y darlos a conocer.

Stakeholder views

CIBER have completed a global survey of stakeholder views for a review of ISO 3297:2007 — the international standard code (ISSN) for the unique identification of serials and other continuing resources. Over 1400 respondents from libraries, publishers, aggregators et al across the globe answered questions in any of 6 languages about its functioning and potential changes. In February the detailed report was presented to the committee of technical experts who advise on future of ISSN.

Digital Textbooks

Sponsored by the Publishers Association and CIBER Research Digital Textbooks: where are we? at UCL London on 10th May will look at the current state of play in publishing digital textbooks? What are they? Who publishes them? What are the licensing and pricing issues? Joint chairs are John Akeroyd and Nick Canty with speakers from learning specialists and key digital textbook aggregators and publishers.

Ramping-up Relevance

Is the flowing river of scholarly communication changing course? If so, how will current publishers find their place and remain relevant?

The 2018 APE Conference will be held on 16–17 January at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In the session ‘Building valuable Connections’ on Tuesday, 16th January Dave Nicholas will be speaking about Early Career Researchers: a very big and strategic market and one that is changing

CIBER news — January–December 2017

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